Sur Sarang (Rain Song) Rain Song سر سارنگ Shah jo Risalo in English (Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai Poetry) by Elsa Kazi

Shah jo Risalo in English  (Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai Poetry)  by Elsa Kazi

Sarang (Rain Song) Rain Song سر سارنگ

Sarang XI
(Rain Song)
Warm preparations are again
in progress everywhere;
Again the lightning's have begun
to leap with arduous flare;
Some towards Istanbul do dive,
some to the West repair;
Some over China glitter, some
of Samerquand take care;
Some wander to Byazantium, Kabul,
some to Kandhar fare;
Some lie on Delhi, Deccan, some
reach Girnar, thundering there
And greens on Bikanir pour those
that jump from Jesalmare
Some Bhuj have soaked, others descent
on Dhat with gentle air...

Those crossing Umerkote have made
the fields fertile and fair...
O God, may ever you on Sindh
bestow abundance rare;
Beloved! all the world let share
thy grace, and fruitful be.

O see, the low' ring, somber skies!
the cumulous clouds have poured
Their big-dropped showers; now take out
your herds, prepare, and rise;
Leave lower grounds, to uplands go
and practise old device,
Take your provisions and supplies...
despair not of God's grace.

Today too from the northern side
the rain-quails notes reach here;
The ploughers ploughshares ready make,
herdsmen are full of cheer...
Today too nature doth appear
in rich array of rain!

Today too there are hopes of rain,
the clouds are dark and lowO friends, with monsoons, longing for
the loved one comes againI hope the rain will water well
the parched and longing plain...
Beloved come! my life sustain,
all seasons then feel spring.

Man, deer and buffaloes do pant
for rain, ducks hopes for clouds;
After as though in supplication
sounds the rain-quail's chant;
At sea, each morn the oysters beg
that skies the rain may grantGive lots of rain! with joy rampant
the herdsmen then become.

The rain pours on the desert-sands
on hills and vales around;
At early dawn we, rise to hear,
the churns soft, humming soundThe hands are full of butter, wives
with merriment aboundEach buffalo for milking brought
athwart the grassy ground;
In thatches here we never found
mistress and mind so glad!

The cloud, with colours rich and bright
paints towers in the skiesIt brought the violins, zitherns, flutes,
tambors that give delight...
While jar on jar rain-sprite at night
pours into Padam lake...

Season's orchestra's in full swing,
fresh showers ease the mind;
On mountain-side so green with grass;
cattle abundance find;
Gay herdsmen's wives about their necks
of blossoms garlands wind;-
Cucumbers, mushrooms, vegetables
food of every kind;
Lord! days of dearth let lie behind,
ne'er let them reach the earth.-

Season's orchestra's in full swing,
rain-quails pipe tenderly;
Peasants repair their ploughs, herdsmen
rejoice with ecstasyMy friend in perfect from...O see
predicts a downpour great!

Season's orchestra's in full swing,
clouds move up, near and far;
The grain is cheap, and brimful now
of butter is each jarRust that my heedless heart did mar,
this God-reminder cleansed.

Cloud was commanded: 'Rain must come',
and cloud obeyed so fainLightning arrived, rain pattered, poured,
came to remain and reign;
The hoarder who for dearness hoped
now wrings his hands in vain,
Five multiplied to fifteen; so
the page has turned again,
The profiteer may disappear
and cause no longer pain...
The kine-herds sit together now,
relating tales of rainO God, who happiness would gain,
must on thy grace rely!


O, rain, were lessons you to take
from my poor, pouring eyes,
Then night and day, in cloudy guise
your drizzle would not stop!

Mists do not leave mine eyes, if clouds
are there or not, mists stay;
Remembering Loved one, o'er my cheeks
my tears flow night and day...
Oh, those whose loves are far away
may never cease to weep.

Though inside all is overcast,
outside from every cloud is free...
Lightning's mature within, in whom
Love doth reside eternally...
Their eyes shall never rainless be
in whom thought of 'Beloved' reigns.
