Sur Kalyan سركلياڻ in English (Shah jo Risalo) in English by Elsa Kazi

Sur Kalyan in English (Shah jo Risalo) by Elsa Kazi

The One Creator, the all greats;
Lord of the universe
The living, the original;
Ruler with power innate;
The giver, the sustainer,
the unique , compassionate;
This master praise, to Him alone
thyself in praise prostrate..
The generous, who does create
the universe in pairs..
None shares His glory, "He,
shall be"..who this doth say
Accepts Mohammad as 'guide'
with heart and love's true sway;
None from amongst those lost their way
or ever went astray.
“He is without a partner” , when
this glorious news you break
With love and knowledge, Mohammad
accept cause him take
Why would you then obeisance make
to others after that?
From One, many to being came;
'many' but Oneness is;
Don't get confounded, Reality
is 'One' , this truth don't miss
Commotions vast display - all this
I vow, of Loved-one is.
The Echo and the call are same,
if you sound's secret knew
They both were one, but two became
only when 'hearing' came.
A thousand doors and windows too,
the palace has ..but see,
Wherever I might go or be
master confronts me there
If you have learnt to long, by pain
be not distressed-
Secret of love's sorrow must be
never confessed-
Suffering is by the heart caressed,
and there it is preserved.
The poison-drinking lovers, lured
by poison sweet, drink more and more;
To bitterness of fatal cup,
the poison-drinkers are inured,
Though wounds are festering, and uncured,
no whispers to the vulgar goes.
All from Beloved's side is sweet
whatever He gives to you.
There is no bitter, if you knew
the secret how to taste.
There is a call to gallows, friends,
will any of you go!
Those who do talk of love may Know
to gallows they must speed.
If you a draught desire
to tavern find your way;
Thy head do sever, and that head
beside the barrel lay;
Only when you this price do pay
then few cups you may quaff.
The genuine lover, for his head
care and concern has none;
He cuts it off---joins it with breath
as gift then hands it on ;
Carves down to shoulders, form loved-one
then begs for love's return.
To guard and to preserve the head,
the lover's business is not this---
One of beloved's glance is worth
so many hundreds head of his---
Flesh, skin and bone, and all there is ,
the 'least ' of loved-one , equals not.
