Traversing far off realms, O friends
Khahoris have returned at last;
Their feet covered with dust...what lands
it came from-oh, how do I know.
On wild growths hill-ascetics feed,
they seek the land ne'er known or heard-
Upon the dusty, stony grounds
they lay their flanks when rest they need;
To seek the light they do proceed
and seek it from infinity.
The hill-ascetics I did see,
those who do not in houses dwell;
In biting wind they weep like rain
with longing for Divinity-
With sorrow they keep company,
and live on sorrow day and night.
Old ragged ropes for shoes they wear;
their faces are dried up, and wan-
Oh, at that land they had a peep
that learned ones could see no-where
Secretive ones, have secrets rare
of regions that still further lie.-
Their arms hold water-bags all dryand
on their feet ropes old and torn;
Eyes pouring rain...O passer-by
Ascetics such did e'er you meet!
The load of truth cannot be borne
upon the head, I fear,
And deaf you have to be, the call
of Reality to hear.-
Make yourself blind, so that the dear
Beloved you may see.
How beautiful is darkest night
in which you lose world's way-
Your greed for this and that,-O quite
forgotten it will be.
The common road do not go near;
but walk where 'they' walk not;
Cross over then by longing mere
and nothing take with thee.
Wanderers need no conveyance, no!
for horse do not care-
Although their minds are set on
destination far and fair;
In wastes search food...torn rags they wear,
and that their sign-mark is.
I saw the wand 'rers that a peep
at the Beloved had;
One night I in their place did stay
their company to keep.
To know them, is in drowning deep
to have a safety raft.
Dust-covered they do walk their way,
and mix themselves with clay;
No secrets tell to stupid folk,
nor gossip or delay;
Some secret of the Loved-one they
bear in their heart all-time.
Knowledge hides snakes, and many find
folly as honey sweet,
Who passed them both...left both behind
he found the 'Reality'.
Those who had lost their way were with
a deep emotion stirred
Those seers in the waste stood blind
and nothing more they heard-
Their ears were closed-like dumb they walked
as if their minds were blurred...
Their only sorrow separation was
which they incurred-
All they gave up for 'Lahut', but
for this they hungered-
Asleep...awake...longing was spurred
but never was allayed.
The spot where One Beloved dwells
how happy 't is, how sweet-
Turn off from places where you meet
all the inhuman crowds.
Those who the bare hills came to know
no more for harvests cared-
To Ganjo-hills they longed to go
Lahutis to become.
Those who the bare hills came to know
forthwith all books did close...
Their sleep had gone, for Ganjo-hills
their longing hearts did glow...
They yearned Lahutis to become
when dust from hills did blow.-
From smell of hills left worldly show
Lahutis to become.
See where the bird can never fly;
a tiny fire twinkles there-
Who could have kindled it so high
except the wandering, homeless kind?
Restless Khahoris did destroy
their bodies in a holy mood
And so their spirit gained the food
they had wished to obtain.
Wand 'rers had girded up their loins...
on heights they one with dust became,
So they at last had reached, their aim
through sorrow mountains top had found.
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