Song of Dawn سر پرڀاتي Shah jo Risalo in English (Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai Poetry) by Elsa Kazi

Song of Dawn سر پرڀاتي   

Shah jo Risalo in English

(Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai Poetry) by Elsa Kazi

(Song of Dawn)


These are not ways you knew before
thy fiddle hanging on the peg,
And lovely dawn, as if it were
your enemy, so to ignore;
'Musician' call yourself no more
if to adore you thus forget,-

How fast you sleep! in pillows put
tour face and weep with sorrow;
May be your violin lies tomorrow
forsaken on the ground.

The true musician has no peace;
nowhere for long he tarries-
On shoulder-strap his violin carries
and asks the way to wastes.

Confounded do you roam...O say
where were you yesterday?
My minstrel, now no longer loll,
but leave your listless way-
Go to the king's door, beg and pray
for things of genuine worth!

The king is giving secretly
gifts to ungifted ones;
If this those artists were to hear
they never would agree,
Their fiddles instantaneously
to smithereens would reduce!

So many minstrels, of what use
is all the craft they ply?
What servant deems so precious, may
be sin in master's eyes-
Alchemy thou, and brazen I
thy look turns me to gold!

Bestowal is not due to caste,
whoever works, obtains,
At childish ways of innocence
forbearance king maintains;
Who one night at his court remains
shall e'er be free from pains!

It is the Givers great reproach,
against musicians vain;
"Why do you beg at other doors
and mine do not approach
Hence harm and hardship do encroach
upon their happiness.

The only Giver thou, and we
the humble beggars are;
Rains seasons have...Thy bounty's rain
doth pour eternally;
A visitation sweet, from thee
exalts, though soiled I be!

The morning star has risen...Oh
arise, adore thy master,
He swiftly turns away; doth know
minds of musicians all!
