The Tune of Life (Sur Bilawal) سر بلاول Shah jo Risalo in English (Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai Poetry) by Elsa Kazi

Shah jo Risalo in English  (Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai Poetry)  by Elsa Kazi

The Tune of Life (Sur Bilawal)      سر بلاول


Believe in word of invitation
of the Giver kind;
Just rinse your mouth, and you will find
that food you will receive.

Drive vulgar crowds out of the house,
peace with the sovereign make-
From that door then on favours browse
receiving gifts each day.

Don't long for wine of paradise,
cross over, nearer still-
Between you and the Union lie
rewards,...this do realise!
Sama's presence to find, arise!
your wishes to fulfill.

Sama, the crown is on your head
else many leaders be-
Oh, from your treasure house, such thousands
beg the priceless bread,
And bounty rich for them is spread
according to their bowls!

The kettle drums break one and all,
all hollow are inside
On no one but on Hashmi call
The door of Hashmi seek.

One who upholds those in despair,
helps those who seek refuge;
This prop of humble ones, shirks not
when millions crave his care...
Aghast all chieftains stand...but there
the smiling one they spy!

Stop not at every watering place
but seek the deep, full lake;
Head of the realm if you can reach
there wait wealth and solace;
The one who made poor rich, only
his turban try to trace,
Tarnish of hundreds he'll erase,
when head he lifts and speaks!

All credit due to Jakhro is,
others commands obey
This favorite's station, ah, where
it be, no one can say;
From what he fashioned was, that clay
was just enough for him.

Jakhro worthy is, and the rest
but name of 'king' do bear;
As Jakhro was produced, others
that way no fashioned were;
Clay needed for his make so rare
for him was just enough.

The leader's messages I store
so deep within my heart
Of other doors I think no more
Since Jakhro I have seen!

No one like Jakhro I can see
On earth where're I gaze,
The leader of all leaders, of
Exalted status he-
Two bows' length, even less, his place
is from divine glory;
O lord, greatly you favored me
by giving me this guide!

Oh Jakhro, may you ever live;
Of you may I no evil hear-
Solace to eyes and heart you give,
their only sweet support, is you.

Oh leader, well your ways are known
all over foreign lands;
How many have you set on horse backs
that had weary grown?
You ask no faults of those who moan,
But all you do accept!

He even gives in anger...lo,
when pleased his bounty pours,
Benevolence doth overflow
in noble Jakhro's mind.

Don't punish the obedient ones;
but head strong do destroy;
Forget not 'Battle Great', no joy
no gain give battles small.

Come to the Major Battle, though
many small battles fight...
And never cease to sweep away
passion-worshiper's blight.-
With the support of Hyder's light
fight, and destroy the foe!

Jakhro adore! he who appeared
the hunger of the land-
Those who were trembling in their rags
in silken shawls now stand;
It was by noble Jakhro's hand
the needy ones were filled!

The moment I arrived my feet
were cooled, my thirst was quenched;
A desert walker water sweet
had found in scorching waste.

Beneath whose shelter I do dwell
noble man, may he live!
The waters that wayfarers drink,
may never dry that well...
Oh smiling one! mine eyes excel
in comfort, seeing you.


Vagand has now returned again,
his efforts all were vain...
So gladly would he here remain
dress, food, bed to obtain!

Vagand has now returned againwhen
all had got their share
A beating from his wife he got,
nought else she gave him there!
And now with zest he doth declare
he'll e'er lie at my feet!

22 the hope of breakfast fine
Vagand again is here;
He never more will leave this place,
nor will he leave his Pir-
Perfume of spring he smells- so dear
prospects of breakfast are!

In body he so shriveled looks,
at eating he is great;
He smells...sweetness to cultivate
he begs master for scent

Poor Vagand, now so dutiful
is always at the door;
He loves perfumes so much...therefore,
he rakes the horse' dung.

Vagand has now returned again,
returned a hell complete!
He says: "Pir's heaven, dirty ones
turns into roses sweet-
Keep near perfumes, to be replete
with clean, refreshing smells."


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