Marin سر سامونڈي Samudi-XIII (Mariners) Shah jo Risalo in English (Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai Poetry) by Elsa Kazi

Mariners سر سامونڈي

Shah jo Risalo in English  (Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai Poetry)  by Elsa Kazi

Lady, at moorings do remain;
and so prevent the mariners,
From plunging you in sudden pain
by setting sail all suddenly.

Lady, at moorings do reside,
and keep the fire in your heart;
Burn on, that mariners abide
with you, not leave you suddenly.

At moorings settle down, nor try
to take a rash and careless step,
Or else they will not wait, but will
at once to foreign regions hie,
You knew their home was ocean...why
did you not with them go?

Anchor and chains lifted, they are
already far upon the way
Desolate are port and bazaar
for mariners have sailed away.

When loved-ones did voyaging start
I was in youth, my blossom-time,
Oh friend, my weeping could not hold
my merchant-love, he would depart;
On fire did he set my heart
and then did sail away.

They sailed away! leaving you hereeons have passed and none came back,
Sorrow for vanished ones, alack
will surely kill you poor one!

They sailed along so very far,
Till to the mighty deep they got,
Where swell of ocean swept them off,
and swiftly down and down they shot,
Descending to the traceless spot
which is fathomless ness!

Ah me! a mixture of deep woe
are nuptial ties with mariners;
My body he on spikes laid low,
and then my merchant hoisted sail.

May you forget the trade you learnt-
-But yesterday I met you here
Today I see you disappear
sailing on ocean waves!

My love seems feeble, luckless fate;
They pushed the boat off ere I knew;
With sailors yesterday a bond
I should have made, today's too late.
Why did I not throw myself straight
Into the boat, with hawsers bound?

I at the pier did stand when they
Their anchor lifted and set sail.
On God relying, night and day
I shall not cease for them to pray
My longing sighs my life shall sway
Till to my arms they do return!


On foot I cannot reach...they say
so far from me the ports do lie;
No fare in pinafores or purse
I possess for the strip to pay;
Oh ferry-man, so manage that
The dearly loved-one meet I may;
In anguish at thy door I stay
Each day beseeching thee with tears.

Alas! no one doth lift a handno one will have them in the boat...
Without a fare, and at the shore
all day till sunset they did standThen God Almighty help did send,
and to the landing place they got!

The wives of merchants, waiting there,
Did bring their offerings to the sea;
Bright lights they kindled everywhere
And even musk to waters gave.

15 the mast-flag is in sight,
Although the sails not yet they see...
And thrilled with infinite delight
Are those who loved-ones do expect.

The ploughers of the salty deep,
The waters sweet have entered now;
Their inmates bargained not for gold
But greater wealth they wished to reap,
The flourishing mariners, lo
Port of Ceylon for pearls did sweep,
And safely in the boat they keep
The treasures they in “Lanka” found.

Oh sisters, if to my homestead
My love would come, what joy for meHandfuls of pearls around his head
I'll turn, and then to others throw.

For those, for whom I sacrificed,
Did worship waters, kindle lightsMy hopes all have been realized,
My loved-ones have returned to me!

She kindled lights on land and sea
And pretty tufts to trees she tied
"Oh God I have great hope in Thee
My Loved-one, back to me let come."

She who to sea no offerings makes,
And doth not kindle floating lightsIs not in earnest, hath no stake,
Beloved she will never meet
